Restorative Justice Foundations Online Training
February 15th, 16th & 17th, 2025
Explore the application of circles in our community, family, schools & workplace
Learn about talking pieces, the phases of a circle, and the use of prompts
How to use storytelling to develop empathy and share vulnerability
Develop skills in communications and circle keeping
The Restorative Center's foundational training provides an experience-based understanding of TRC’s community based model of Restorative Justice. Our trainings are engaging, lively and ever-evolving. We utilize theory-based lectures, the interactive circle experience, skill development, mock circles, as well as small and large group discussions.
This course is open to newcomers to TRC, as well as to trained Circle Keepers who would like to deepen their foundations in the work.
The course fee is $650. Sliding scale fees may be available for those in need. Course fees include: PDF of our workbook, access to our pages, followup session later in the year.
Small group interactive online learning. Each training will be limited to 12 participants.
Course Overview:
Saturday, February 15th, 10am-2pm EST
The Journey of a Circle Keeper
The Circle Experience
Sunday, February 16th, 10am - 2pm EST
Theory & Practice
Elements of Restorative Justice Circles
The Phases of Circles
The Art of Circle Keeping
Monday, February 17th, 10am - 2pm EST
Mock Circles
The Circle Keeper Code
Closing Circle
Course overview is subject to change.
Prepare for workshops by gathering:
Elements of a Centerpiece
round cloth or coaster to set up a centerpiece
a bowl of water (or more)
a candle (or more)
some rocks
a green leaf, a flower and/or a plant
Tools for Taking Notes
pens/pencils/colored markers
dedicated notebook for the book of prompts
unlined paper for drawing/brainstorming
Items and Quotes to Share
3 items that are meaningful to you
3 quotes or lyrics that are meaningful to you